On Saturday, in a prime example of media bias in news reporting, Greg Giroux wrote a piece at Bloombergthat drew attention to the otherwise unremarkable fact that the majority of House Republicans against President Obama are white. He added that the majority are also from Southern states–specifically, the “old Confederacy.”

More than half of them are from the 11 Southern states that formed the old Confederacy. Five are from Georgia, including Representatives Paul Broun and Phil Gingrey, who are opponents in a Senate race in which they’ll be brandishing their voting records among Republican primary-election voters.

Moving on from the “Southern states” bit, which made no sense except to imply racism, Giroux pointed out groups that favor small government prefer these members, and half of them received donations from the Koch brothers. However, he did not mention the massive support Obama received from billionaire George Soros through many back door groups.

The article continued to deviate from its original point to talk about the habits of these congressmen. For example, he found it important to report these “small-government Republicans” have a monthly meeting hosted by the Heritage Foundation with food from Chik-fil-A, the restaurant chain under attack last year by the left because of its owners’ stance on gay marriage. He tried to connect that to Representative Justin Amash’s (R-MI) amendment to stop the National Security Agency’s spying program, but there was no mention or suggestion Amash attended any of these meetings or the amendment was discussed at a meeting.

Bloomberg’s liberal bias is impossible to ignore when its editors publish a piece like this in the political section instead of running it as opinion.