Yesterday, Dave Weigel at Slate spun the San Diego Mayor Bob Filner sexual harassment story by saying Filner only groped women in San Diego, never in Washington DC. 

Now that thirteen women have come forward, revealing physical groping or verbal harassment from Filner, the Democratic Party is desperate to keep this as a “local story.” 

At the beginning of the article, Weigel not-so-subtly introduces the spin: 

Bob Filner appears to have been a serial sexual harasser in San Diego.  In DC, he was smart enough to be nothing more than a creep.

This, despite the fact that on July 15, two former Filner congressional staffers in DC had already anonymously discussed his harassment of them.

Weigel is spinning this to protect national Democrats in DC and keep the story local to San Diego. Democrats do not want Nancy Pelosi or Hillary Clinton asked what they knew about this, or have any women in DC come forward to talk about inappropriate behavior from Filner.  

By spinning the story this way, the biased mainstream media is attempting to keep the lid on the scandal by not asking relevant questions.  

Some of the questions Dave Weigel and others in the biased media have never gotten around to asking in the weeks this scandal has been developing, were asked yesterday on Twitter by the conservative blogger Ace of Spades. Among them: 

Would Nancy Pelosi guarantee immunity from retaliation to any women in DC who came forward to talk about harassment from Filner? 

Have women in DC attempted to talk and been threatened into silence, much like Lori Saldana in San Diego was?  

Instead of pursuing a legitimate news story, the media allies of the Democratic Party would much rather make sure the scandal continues to be minimized. If it was well known that Filner was a serial sexual harasser, not just in San Diego but in DC, would that not mean the Democratic Party chose to run him for office anyway, even as Pelosi, Reid, and Obama ginned up that ‘War on Women’ smear against the Republicans?  

Think of how incredibly ironic it is that at the same time he was covering up for serial groper Bob Filner, California’s Democratic Party chief Jess Durfee was tweeting this out about Tony Krvaric, the Republican Party head in San Diego county : 

That was just 6 weeks ago, a time when Durfee had already had numerous complaints about Filner brought to his attention. Yet  Durfee seems to have done nothing beyond simply asking Filner about the accusations, and taking Filner’s denial as sufficient

Apparently, Filner’s “30 year record of advocating for progressive causes” trumped any crude behavior he might have been exhibiting towards females during that time. Once again the Democratic Party goes out of its way to prove that as long as a predatory male says all the right things, he can pretty much do whatever he wants to any woman he comes into contact with.  

It took 15 years, but the Democratic Party finally managed to top Bill Clinton’s groping of Kathleen Willey in the Oval Office. They enabled  and covered up for Filner and now they are desperate to keep the scandal confined to San Diego. They appear to have already failed, but not for lack of trying.