In a statement released to Breitbart News, the Republican National Committee took credit for CNN’s just-announced cancellation of a Hillary Clinton documentary. “While CNN is not moving forward with its Hillary Clinton infomercial,” the RNC writes, “It’s clearly not of their choosing but rather because the filmmaker quit in large part because of the RNC’s actions.”

After CNN announced plans to produce, broadcast, and theatrically release a feature-length documentary film about Hillary Clinton that would be directed by left-wing filmmaker Charles Ferguson, the RNC moved to exclude CNN from hosting any of the 2016 GOP presidential primary debates. The RNC saw no reason to allow a cable network, that was so ready to invest in the Democrats’ likely nominee, the opportunity to interrogate their nominees.

In its statement, the RNC does seem to leave open the possibility that CNN can now participate in the debates, and hits NBC again over their planned Hillary miniseries that will star Diane Lane:

This was only the first step in the Republican Party taking control of our debate process. The purpose of our party’s debates is to better inform our grassroots and those participating in Republican primaries and caucuses.   The pressure is now squarely on NBC to cancel its Hillary infomercial. The timing, frequency, moderators and venues will all be part of new debate model that will come in the next few months.   Any media organization looking to be part of the debate process will have to comply with the new system

Like CNN, because of its miniseries, NBC has also been excluded from the debate process. This includes the left-wing MSNBC.


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