On Friday, October 11, TruthRevolt.org reports, the Los Angeles Jewish Journal, with a circulation of 50,000 copies and 150,000 readers and free circulation among synagogues, ran a cartoon by editorial cartoonist Steve Greenberg labeling Tea Partiers “Tea-Hadists.” The cartoon shows a suicide bomber with vest labeled “Government Shutdown,” detonator in hand, preparing to blow himself up. He’s wearing a tricorner hat and a tea bag dangles from it. ” He says,  “Of course I don’t feel any regrets about the cost everyone will pay for my beliefs! After all, there are 72 virgins awaiting me!” Underneath, in bold letters, the cartoon states, “THE TEA-HADIST.”

The Journal is a Jewish paper, meaning that it has both advertisers and readers who are concerned about terror victims. TruthRevolt is encouraging its followers to email editor Rob Eshman at robe@jewishjournal.com to object to the cartoon.

UPDATE: Jewish Journal editor Rob Eshman has released a statement in the aftermath of pressure from TruthRevolt, stating, “we are especially sensitive to the impression many have that the cartoon somehow trivializes the horrific, real suffering wrought by Islamic terrorists. That is clearly not Greenberg’s intention – and I offer my apology to anyone who sees the cartoon exclusively in that light.”