Rush Limbaugh’s most recent book Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims is not political like his earlier endeavors. Rather, it is an attempt to shine a light on what at times appears to be the long lost history of America’s founding–including the roles God and private private property played in that founding. 

In Rush Revere, Limbaugh takes on the role of a history teacher who is able to travel through time to various events during the Pilgrims’ passage to the New World. To bring history to life for his students, he takes two of them–Tommy and a quiet but strong girl named Freedom–along with him. They travel through time aboard a horse named “Liberty.”

Rush Revere travels to the Mayflower during the voyage from Europe to the New World. He shows the hardships that marked that voyage and the courage that was required. He introduces readers to great men like William Bradford and Myles Standish along the way. 

Limbaugh uses the book to show how Pilgrims initially held all land in common and that the decision to do so nearly ended their experiment in freedom. The error was corrected when Bradford and others decided to privatize all holdings in the colony, thereby creating an environment where the Puritans went from want to plenty.

He also covers the Mayflower Compact, showing how that earliest example of self-governance in American history set the tone for the Constitution that would be written over 150 years later. 

Throughout the book, a theme during good times and bad is the faith of the Puritans: the way they relied on God for their sustenance and trusted that God had brought them to the New World with purpose. 

Rush Revere is a great book for readers of all ages, and it’s an especially good book for those who are looking for an entertaining way to rediscover some of the earliest historical events underpinning this great country. 

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