For some reason, CNN’s Anderson Cooper decided to reveal some of his mother’s sexual escapades during a recent year-end review segment, noting that his then 85-year-old mother was “the Nijinsky of cunnilingus.” But Cooper wasn’t the only one throwing around the “C” word, that night.

On Thursday, December 26, Cooper was on a panel with Dan Savage, Andrew Sullivan, and two others and the topic of scandals came up. Dan Savage thought the Rob Ford scandal was a good one and said, “I love a good cunnilingus joke on the evening news.”

This prompted Cooper to indulge some lamentable cunnilingus talk of his own.

Suddenly Cooper blurted out, “My mom once wrote a romance memoir about men she had dated-and I use that term loosely-and she described one guy she was currently dating–my mom was 85 at the time–as the Nijinsky of cunnilingus. And she made me proofread the book.”

Cooper continued saying, “I was like, ‘Mom, I don’t know much about modern dance.'”

Whereupon Savage interjected, “Or about cunnilingus,” to everyone’s amusement. Anderson Cooper is famously homosexual.

This is what CNN has devolved to, apparently.