NATIONAL HARBOR, Maryland–Undercover journalist James O’Keefe, best known for having taken down ACORN with his undercover exposé videos, told attendees at Breitbart News’s ‘Univited II’ National Security Action Summit that his main goal is to light a fire under politicians to keep them on the straight and narrow.

O’Keefe is the front man for Project Veritas, an organization he said was created to “expose corruption, mostly in government but sometimes in the private sector.”

The young journalist gave conference goers a brief overview of his latest project in Texas to chronicle and expose the voter fraud and corruption from the left-wing group Battleground Texas, an organization desperate to turn Texas into a majority Democrat state.

O’Keefe said he couldn’t get too specific because it may endanger his undercover operatives, but he reported that some 70 people signed up with him to fan out across the Lone Star State to go inside Battleground Texas to expose their efforts.

Another goal of his organization is to find out just who is funding all these left-wing efforts across the country. “We want to find out who funds these efforts in America in things like the fight against fracking,” he said.

O’Keefe also said that his work has returned amazing results. Not only did he burst on the scene in 2009 by exposing the corruption of the Democrat-funded community organizing group ACORN, eventually leading to its demise, he also exposed the left-wing bias at NPR. More recently his work was responsible for getting six Obamacare “navigators” fired for urging Obamacare enrollees to lie to the IRS.

“When people don’t know what is going on behind closed doors, we show you,” O’Keefe said.

He concluded his remarks saying, “The government works for us, and doing this type of journalism lights a fire under politicians.”

The conference was sponsored by Breitbart News and EMPact America and was moderated by national security analyst Frank Gaffney.