According to the Daily Beast, the NRA spews “right-wing crap,” while Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America (MDA) has “public opinion on their side.”

The Daily Beast is looking for anything to give MDA a way to come out on top when they gather and push strollers in protest on April 26th, the second day of the NRA’s Annual Meeting in Indianapolis.

The Daily Beast describes MDA as “small, but passionate.” It describes the NRA as “an organization with an annual operating budget of approximately $250 million, 4 million-plus members, and a legion of federal and state elected officials in their corner.”

Two corrections: First, MDA is not hurting for money, as it has all the money Michael Bloomberg can give it. Second, the NRA has over five million members

To date, one of the biggest differences between the NRA and MDA is that one is extremely popular and one is not. For example, whereas the NRA has over five million members, MDA membership is projected between 130,000 and 150,000.

Moreover, since the the majority of Americans are opposed to more gun control, they are fundamentally aligned with the NRA. Contrary to this, MDA claims 90 percent of Americans support more gun control (in the form of expanded background checks) and therefore support MDA’s mission.

The Daily Beast asks if MDA might be the David to conquer the NRA Goliath. A better question is whether MDA would even still be on the map without Bloomberg’s pumping money into their group.

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