A new website has debuted that intends to claim the counterculture for conservatives.

Liberty Island magazine (libertyislandmag.com) intends to “challenge the cynicism, nihilism, and stifling political correctness of popular culture today” with a web-based venture featuring creative writing, short stories, and other creative projects that cater to libertarians and conservatives.

The folks at liberty Island point out that there was once a time when American culture was conservative culture, but now the liberals have taken over the entire milieu of popular culture. Liberty Island promises to be the cure for that milieu malaise.

The site promises that libertarians and conservatives will find plenty of fiction, science-fiction, music, artwork, cartoons, and videos “that reflect their social values and political beliefs.”

“Think of Liberty Island as a rallying point for a revolt against conformity and groupthink,” the site creators say. “We aim to be the missing link in a cultural feeder system that has systematically marginalized those who did not go to the right schools, attend the proper writing programs, or toe the correct ideological line. At Liberty Island, good still triumphs over evil, hope still overcomes despair, and America is still a noble experiment and a beacon to the rest of the world.”

Along with a home page that displays the day’s offerings, the site also features a news page, a fan forum, and a section titled the “Open Range” where visitors can register and post their own fiction.

Follow Warner Todd Huston on Twitter @warnerthuston or email the author at igcolonel@hotmail.com.