As voters began heading to the polls in Virginia on Election Day, the Wall Street Journal posted a story declaring “immigration a no-show in GOP primaries.” By the end of the day, House Majority Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA) had been defeated by Dave Brat, riding a wave of public opposition to Cantor’s immigration policies.

Though Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-SC)–a major proponent of immigration reform–cruised through his primary, Cantor’s loss stunned the political world and signaled that immigration reform could face hurricane-force headwinds in the House of Representatives. 

From the article, “Money Woes Make Immigration a No-Show in GOP Primaries”:

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.) is set to win another Senate term because, in part, the opposition to immigration reform is so ill-funded it hasn’t been able to help any of his six opponents.

The same goes for House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R., Va.)…

Mr. Cantor and Mr. Graham each face Republican primary voters Tuesday and neither has much fear of being turned out. Mr. Cantor spent more than $5 million to make his case against college professor David Brat….

Mr. Brat called Mr. Cantor an amnesty flip-flopper and campaigned with Ms. Ingraham ahead of Tuesday’s primary, but the argument hasn’t been backed up by enough money to make it matter.