Even the Associated Press saw the writing on the wall for amnesty legislation after Dave Brat stunned House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) in Tuesday’s primary.

The Associated Press declared on Wednesday that Cantor’s loss was such a “stunning rebuke” that it was a “sobering setback for establishment Republicans who’ve been pushing” for amnesty. The loss was so shocking that the outlet noted that Congress may not even take up amnesty in the next Congress.

“Immigration may have cost Majority Leader Eric Cantor his election. His defeat almost certainly dooms the issue in the House,” the Associated Press wrote. “Cantor’s loss almost certainly ended whatever slim hopes remained for a deal on immigration in the House this year, likely putting the issue on ice until after the 2016 presidential election.”

As Breitbart News reported, Brat called amnesty the “central” issue of the campaign and relentlessly hammered Cantor for his support for amnesty legislation during the last month of the campaign.