Liberal radio host Mike Malloy is reacting to broadened firearm carry rights in Georgia and open carry demonstrations around the county by promising to cause a public panic, perhaps resulting in the death of the person lawfully–and openly–carrying a firearm, if he sees such an individual.

According to, Malloy said:

I guess what I’ll do if I’m ever in that situation and I see one of these yahoos walking in with a weapon, high caliber rifle like that, I’ll just put on a berserk act. I will just start screaming Gun! Gun! Gun! Watch out, everybody hit the deck! Everybody. And then call 911 and I will say, shots fired, which will bring every g–damned cop within 15 miles. And then the half-wits with the long guns are going to panic and they’re going to run out of the store and if that rifle isn’t shouldered properly, the cop is going to take a look at that and put a bullet right in their forehead. (emphasis added)

On March 27 Breitbart News reported that Malloy said he wanted to meet and shoot an NRA board member, and justify it by claiming “stand your ground.” This was followed by NRA board member Buzz Mills telling Malloy: “Here I am if you want to come kill me.” 

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