MSNBC once proudly touted its new “Lean Forward” motto with a series of self-congratulatory ads, but a media watchdog’s new spin on slogan may have the network regretting their choice of words.

The Media Research Center launched a new campaign titled “Lean Over” on Wednesday to highlight the network’s liberal quirks and prejudices. Its first video? A supercut of Hardball host Chris Matthews’ over-the-top accusations of Republican bigotry — and, of course, his infamous leg thrill. 

“We’ve all seen the MSNBC ‘Lean Forward’ commercials,” MRC Social Media director Scooter Schaefer told The Washington Examiner. “The inspiration for our #LeanOver parody was to demonstrate the absurdity of MSNBC by simply showing folks clips of MSNBC hosts like Chris Matthews in action. After all, nobody can do a better job making Chris Matthews sound like an unhinged liberal partisan than Chris Matthews.”

Next up: The Rev. Al Sharpton, whose struggles with the teleprompter were the subject of a viral Washington Free Beacon video. 

MRC, which called MSNBC a place “where the news goes to die,” also kicked off a Twitter hashtag campaign: #LeanOver, much to the delight of the conservative commentariat.

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