On August 18 NBC News indicated the coming November elections “may” be a referendum on gun control.

Then again, they may not.

NBC News says, “no shift in either direction is certain,” but they point to the emergence of new gun control groups following the heinous crime at Sandy Hook Elementary as an indication that a win for gun control is at least possible. Those new gun control groups include Gabby Giffords/Mark Kelly’s Americans for Responsible Solutions and the Bloomberg-funded Everytown for Gun Safety and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America.

Moms Demand Action’s Shannon Watts said, “Now, for the first time in our country’s history, there is a well-financed and formidable force positioned to take on the Washington gun lobby.”

Whether that means they are ready to take on gun rights groups this November “remains to be seen.”

And in the event that they aren’t, NBC News lays the groundwork for explaining a gun control loss by pointing out that gun rights voters are more focused on voting for guns than gun control voters are at voting against them.

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