NBC News senior political editor Mark Murray believes President Barack Obama is thrilled to back at the White House from his Martha’s Vineyard vacation and not on the golf course.

Murray told MSNBC’s Tamron Hall on Monday that when “you are on vacation, you hope it lasts forever, and you kinda don’t want to get back to work the next day.” He said that was not the case for Obama. 

“I think the opposite is true for President Obama, where he’s probably glad to be back right at work and didn’t want that vacation to linger anymore, just because there was just event after event, crisis after crisis during that two-week stretch,” he added.

As the Associated Press detailed, during his 14-day vacation that ended on Sunday, Obama played golf nine times, went to the beach, went for a bike ride, headlined a fundraiser, attended a birthday party for Vernon Jordan with Hillary Clinton , enjoyed a jazz concert and fireworks show, called nine foreign leaders from his vacation home, went to four dinners, and hiked. 

The President even hit the golf course after a press conference in which he discussed the beheading of American journalist James Foley.