On Breitbart News Saturday on Sirius XM Patriot channel 125 from 10AM to 1PM EST, reporter Matthew Boyle, Head of Production for Breitbart News TV/Radio Dan Fleuette, and homepage editor Katie McHugh will host a program discussing the upcoming race for the White House in 2016, focusing on the divide between the Washington, D.C. establishment and the grassroots.

Boyle, Fluette, and McHugh will interview a variety of guests about the prospects and policies of potential presidential candidates. Guests will also come on the show to discuss the Common Core takeover of our children’s education, the corporate replacement of American workers thanks to the H-1B visa racket, and the illegal alien assault on the border.

Iowa radio host Steve Deasce will explain why he calls 2016 “The Year of the Outsider.”

Breitbart California reporter Adelle Nazarian will discuss her viral articles involving massive corporate lay-offs as companies use immigrants authorized to work under the H-1B visa program to displace American workers with cheap, foreign labor.

Dr. Sebastian Gorka will compare Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with congressional Republicans.

Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul will hold an exclusive interview with Boyle.

Media reporter and watchdog John Nolte will go on air to talk about the media’s coverage of Hillary Clinton’s private  server and a possible match-up between her and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, the two establishment favorites.

Education reporter Dr. Susan Berry will talk about Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal’s plan to uproot Common Core in his state and stop agencies from collecting data from and spying on students.

Hans Von Spakovsky from the Heritage Foundation, author of Obama’s Enforcer: Eric Holder’s Justice Department, will be discussing voting and voter ID laws under the Obama administration. 

Director of Breitbart Texas Brandon Darby will talk about breaking news on the U.S. southern border, including the recent bust of an underground casino run by Pakistani aliens. 

 Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon will discuss the Loretta Lynch nomination and Arizona Sen. John McCain’s declaration that “no Republican” should vote to confirm her as Attorney General.