Trevor Noah had barely endured 12 hours of conservative criticism about his past Twitter comments when the left began to voice its outrage, as well. Liberal critics focused in particular on Noah’s jokes about women. Yet while both left and right seized on Noah’s Twitter feed, the spirit of criticism was not quite the same for each.

While conservatives saw Noah as yet another example of media double-standards, liberals lamented the possible damage to what has become a cherished brand.

The Daily Show is the major news source for millions of Americans, particularly young liberals. It also perfectly reflects the left-wing’s post-2000 idiom, which is far more comfortable mocking conservatives, and cable news than defending what “progressives” actually believe. Regardless, Comedy Central is standing by their choice.

As well they might: Noah, at first a symbol of liberal intolerance, is just days away from being transformed into a hero for standing up to political correctness.