Jonathan Sandys, great grandson of Winston Churchill and Wallace Henley have written an extraordinary book on the inner values of Churchill: “God & Churchill, How the Great Leader’s Sense of Divine Destiny Changed his Troubled World and Offers Hope for Ours.” The book can be purchased at major retailers such as Barnes & Noble and ordered on Amazon.

Former Secretary of State James Baker, III wrote the foreword, and Cal Thomas the preface. The authors have received endorsements from notable figures such as: author Os Guinness and Dr. Ed Young, Senior Pastor at Houston’s Second Baptist Church.

The authors will be present for a signing at the Barnes & Noble in the River Oaks Shopping Center at 2030 West Gray in Houston on Tuesday, October 6th at 7pm.

Churchill is best known for his core value “never give up, never, never, never.” What gave the man the inner strength to overcome vast adversity? In the darkest days, what was the source of inner conviction to give Hope to his nation to defeat the Nazis? A great deal of his inner strength came from his bedrock religious beliefs. To understand better his faith, there is a key chapter on Churchill and the Sermon on the Mount. The authors look at every issue and explain what teachings they gave Churchill in forming his character.

The main chapters deal with “The Remarkable Preparation; Destiny; Saving “Christian Civilization;” and Hope for Our Time.

The most interesting chapter is Churchill and the Character of Leadership. “If we see similarities between Churchill’s times and our own, we ought to be able to examine his leadership style for insights about the kind of leadership we need today.”

“The story of Churchill… is about the indomitability of the human spirit. He may seem horribly unfashionable in his views today. But in his essential character he is a source of eternal- and perhaps growing—inspiration.” Leadership, Churchill-Style: “Has God paced a “Churchill” among us in our turbulent times, when once again the survival of Judeo-Christian civilization is at stake?”

“We need leaders with a sense of destiny; who recognize the Destiny-Giver as bigger then themselves; who tell the truth, no matter how ridiculous they may appear; who have the courage to pay a hard price for the greater good; who see threats realistically; who do not need the spotlight; and who are mature enough to overcome past failures. We need leaders who lead like Churchill with courage, faith and integrity.

The Churchill inner strength was based on his faith that there is a benevolent Almighty God. The history he secured and his “Never give in” example inspires hope for our individual, family, business, and national dark challenges today.

“NEVER GIVE IN, never, never, never, never!”