The most unsympathetic woman in America, perma-tanned transracial icon Rachel Dolezal, has given an interview to Vice’s women’s channel Broadly in which she is described complaining that she doesn’t get the same adulation from the liberal press that transsexual Caitlyn Jenner does.

If the phrase “Vice’s women’s channel” has you recoiling in horror, I understand. But Broadly is often less bonkers than the rest of the site, perhaps because it has clever and funny homosexuals like Mitchell Sunderland, whom I have met and shared cake with and like, producing camp gems such as Shooting Guns With Ann Coulter.

Sunderland’s profile of Rachel Dolezal is keenly observed and includes the revelation that Dolezal claims to have been born in a teepee and was even offered a porn role after her race scandal broke. Lying about your gender, race, class or sexuality is big business in America, it seems.

Rachel has been thinking about Caitlyn Jenner a lot. In June, the same month Caitlyn announced her name on the cover of Vanity Fair, local Spokane TV station KXLY outed Rachel—the then-president of the Spokane chapter of the NAACP, whom the community believed to be a woman of color—as the biological daughter of a Caucasian Christian couple. She immediately became national news, and 2015 became the year of identity according to New York Times critic Wesley Morris. Whereas Glamour and ESPN awarded Caitlyn for her transition, Rachel was vilified and mocked in the press and on social media after telling Matt Lauer, in an interview on Today, that she’s transracial, saying, “I identify as black.”

The interview is drenched in self-pity. “Life hasn’t been easy for me at all, but I keep going,” says Dolezal, who lied about her race and invented a fake black dad to mislead her friends and colleagues. “I’m still climbing, so don’t you sit down and stop. You keep going, and I want that to be a lesson for all my sons.”

She’s naming her child after a Harlem Renaissance poet, Langston Hughes, because of course she is. But she has doubts about her fitness as a parent. “I’ve struggled with depression to the point where I wonder if it’s even in my kids’ best interest for me to stay around,” she tells VICE. “I feel like I’m a liability to my own children.”

Read the whole profile here, if you have a nose peg and/or sick bucket to hand.

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