On Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot channel 125 from 7PM to 10PM EST, host and Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow will discuss the most important news of the week. He will be talking about the Republican presidential primary endorsements, the threat of Islamic State, and the Syrian migrant invasion of Europe.

Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon will come on the show with Diana West, and L. Brent Bozell III, to talk about West and Bozell’s endorsements of candidates.

Breitbart New Senior Editor-at-Large Ben Shapiro will be interviewed about Donald Trump, the Islamic State’s new ruling on eating their enemies, and President Obama’s plans for his last year in office.

Breitbart Texas editor Brandon Darby will come on the program to talk about the “third man” in the Garland Islamic terrorist attack who planned to blow up the Super Bowl.

Breitbart News’ Lee Stranahan and Sonnie Johnson will come on the program to talk about how Black Lives Matter has zero support in black community, but organizers are saying the protest at the Mall of America was a “head fake” to protest at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport.

Breitbart London editor Raheem Kassam will talk about how the Czech president called the Syrian migrant crisis and “invasion” and how the Iran president says that Islam has a problem.