This weekend on Breitbart News Saturday guest host and Breitbart Washington Political Editor Matthew Boyle will focus in on the protest movement sweeping the nation.

Aaron Black, a leading progressive organizer who’s in Washington as part of the Democracy Spring protests, will join the show to try to make his case to the conservative base across America. He’s going to also take callers for a full segment, so call in to Breitbart News Saturday at 1-866-957-2874 during the show to ask away.

Bo Dietl, a former NYPD detective, will come on the show to discuss what the police in New York and elsewhere need to do to prepare for a coming wave of protests this year and how effective the NYPD was the other night.

John Cardillo, a nationally syndicated radio host who used to work with the NYPD, will also discuss law enforcement for protests at the Republican National Convention this summer.

Breitbart’s own Patrick Howley will join Boyle in studio, and Lee Stranahan, Dustin Stockton and Jen Lawrence will talk about their coverage of anti-Donald Trump protests on Thursday evening in midtown Manhattan outside and inside Grand Central Station.

Breitbart’s Brandon Darby will also join the show to talk about the protests in addition to efforts he’s leading from Breitbart Texas to highlight the plight of Border Patrol agents.

The show airs on SiriusXM Patriot Channel 125 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Eastern Time on Saturday.