Lloyd Grove writes at the Daily Beast that in a multimillion-dollar fraud, breach of contract and dereliction of duty lawsuit, Glenn Beck may actually be suing himself:

Glenn Beck seems to be an endless source of nutty stories.

Maybe the multimedia oddball spent too much time being spun around while strapped in a giant gyroscope that, as he told his fans, helped cure him of a mysterious brain illness that “quite honestly has made me look crazy.”

Or maybe—according to his detractors, anyway—he’s just getting strange legal advice.

Whatever the reason, a multimillion-dollar fraud, breach of contract and dereliction of duty lawsuit that Beck’s company, Mercury Radio Arts, filed three weeks ago against Christopher Balfe—MRA’s former chief operating officer and the ex-CEO of its subsidiary The Blaze—could end up biting Beck in the behind.

According to Balfe’s certified letter that was hand-delivered on Thursday to The Blaze’s nearly empty Manhattan offices (with a copy sent to New York’s secretary of state), Beck is not only required to indemnify his former executive against his own lawsuit—which was filed July 29 in Dallas District Court—but he must also pay in advance for Balfe’s rapidly mounting legal fees.

This, the letter argues, is because Balfe, as a director and officer of The Blaze at the time he committed the acts alleged in MRA’s complaint, is protected from all litigation relating to his official duties under the laws of the state of Delaware, where The Blaze was incorporated.

Read the rest of the story here.