Ron Grossman of the Chicago Tribune writes that Donald Trump’s strong working-class support was not because of racism but because those voters rejected the Democrat-reinforced “concept that nothing can be done to save American jobs from the force of globalization.”

From the Chicago Tribune:

Some things have to be said, even if it means losing friends. So I say kudos to Donald Trump for his campaign promise: “I’m going to bring jobs back from China, Mexico, Japan, Vietnam.”

Trump has now made a down payment on redeeming his promise.

United Technologies, which intended to move production of Carrier air conditioners from Indianapolis to Mexico, announced Tuesday: “We are pleased to have reached a deal with President-elect Trump.” Under that deal, close to 1,000 jobs will stay in Indianapolis.

I’d love to know how Trump pulled that off. But one thing is sure: The essential ingredient was his belief that it could be done.

Read the rest of the article here.