White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci’s profane interview with the New Yorker’s Ryan Lizza is reportedly the left-wing magazine’s most-read story of 2017.

HuffPost’s Michael Calderone tweeted on Sunday that Lizza’s story about Scaramucci’s outrageous rant last week in which he cursed out former Chief of Staff Reince Priebus while accusing White House Chief Strategist Steve K. Bannon of giving himself blowjobs has been read by 4.4 million unique visitors and got more than “100, 000 concurrent visitors in the hours after publication.”

Conservative talk radio host Mark Levin blistered Scaramucci last week for calling a member of the Opposition Party and making such “absolutely disgusting” comments to a “left-wing rag.”

Breitbart News’s Joel Pollak wrote that Scaramucci’s biggest mistake was wanting left-wing reporters from the Opposition Media to like him.

“Whatever agreement he may have had with Ryan Lizza of the New Yorker, there was no way a liberal reporter was going to sit on an explosive story like the new communications director trashing the president’s top aides. Lizza told CNN on Thursday night that he would not have published the interview if Scaramucci had told him explicitly that it was off the record. Perhaps not, but he would have found another way to release the same information,” Pollak wrote. “There is no reason to trust any reporter, and especially a mainstream media reporter, and particularly a mainstream media reporter from a left-wing publication that has compared your boss to Hitler.”