Far-left journalists, activists, and entertainers expressed rage and disbelief Friday as a local report confirmed that Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach is a paid columnist for Breitbart News.

The Kansas City Star tried to make Kobach disavow Breitbart for alleged “white nationalism,” but he instead denounced organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) for propagating this “slander” against a diverse newsroom that has been conclusively debunked by textual analysis from Harvard and MIT.

From The Kansas City Star:

Kobach, a candidate for Kansas governor who is running on a platform of combating illegal immigration, published his first article for Breitbart.com in June — a piece that tied refugees to terrorism.

He has published six more pieces since then and more are on the horizon. Kobach, who previously hosted a talk radio show in Kansas City, said Breitbart approached him about writing a regular column in June.

“I think Breitbart.com appeals to anyone who is Republican or conservative in any way,” Kobach said after disputing claims that the site caters to white nationalists. “It appeals to a broad spectrum of conservative readers.”

“I find that criticism to be completely baseless and if Breitbart had any connection to white nationalism I would not write for the site. And the Southern Poverty Law Center regularly slanders organizations and individuals … and accuses them of having connections to white supremacy,” said Kobach, who has long faced accusations of extremism from the organization.

Read the rest of the story here.

The public confirmation of Kobach’s deal with Breitbart brought a flurry of nuclear-hot takes from liberals of all stripes: Kobach is a white nationalist, Kobach is a Nazi, Kobach is leaking voter data to Breitbart (?), etc.