CNN anchor Chris Cuomo claimed on Wednesday evening that it is “offensive” for President Donald Trump to mention that Mollie Tibbetts has been “permanently separated” from her family after an illegal alien murdered her.

Referring to Trump’s White House video about Tibbetts, Cuomo wondered whether “these sympathizers would be as full throated about these tragedies if the killers were white citizens, if the victims were not young white women.”

In the White House video, Trump says: “Mollie Tibbetts, an incredible young woman, is now permanently separated from her family. A person came in from Mexico, illegally, and killed her. We need the wall. We need our immigration laws changed. We need our border laws changed. We need Republicans to do it because Democrats aren’t going to do it. This is one instance of many. We have tremendous crime coming trying to come through the borders. We have the worst laws anywhere in the world. Nobody has laws like the United States. They are strictly pathetic. We need new immigration laws. We need new border laws. The Democrats will never give them… So, to the family of Mollie Tibbetts–all I can say is God bless you, God bless you.”

After playing a clip of Trump’s video, Cuomo replied: “Permanently separated. Obvious as it is offensive.”

“So, he cares about Mollie Tibbetts more than people who don’t believe in separating kids from parents? Or treating undocumented immigrants like dogs? Please,” Cuomo continued. “What that tells you, that even in this moment, talking about Mollie Tibbetts, he still has to play to political advantage and prove that he still doesn’t want to own what he did to those kids and many of them are still waiting to get back with their parents. We have not forgotten.”

Cuomo argued that Trump “still doesn’t think it is wrong” to separate illegal immigrant children from their families “and he thinks grandstanding about Tibbetts gives him high ground.”

“Well, it does not. Nor do the people covering this like some kind of gotcha have high ground,” Cuomo claimed before blasting those who were putting a “glaring” spotlight on families who have had loved ones murdered by illegal aliens.