Considering the controversy facing NBC over questions about its decision not to pursue Ronan Farrow’s bombshell Harvey Weinstein investigation, which was central to launching the #MeToo movement, it may be instructive to recall the network’s longtime alleged mistreatment of Bill Clinton rape accuser Juanita Broaddrick.

Broaddrick has been trying to extract an apology from NBC News Anchor Andrea Mitchell for claiming Broaddrick’s highly credible accusations against Clinton had been “discredited” during a Today Show segment.

Broaddrick has also said that NBC scrubbed a section of its original 1999 interview with her where she claimed that Hillary Clinton tried to silence the rape allegations, while questions have been raised about the network’s infamously waiting 35 days to air its original exclusive Broaddrick interview detailing the rape allegations until after the Senate voted to acquit Clinton in the impeachment case involving Monica Lewinsky.

In the May 19, 2017 Today Show segment, Mitchell was reporting on an interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity in which Donald Trump utilized the word “rape” while discussing accusations against Bill Clinton regarding women.

In the initial segment, Mitchell stated: “Donald Trump using that word unprompted, during an interview last night with Fox News’ Sean Hannity. Bringing up a discredited and long-denied accusation against former president Bill Clinton, dating back to 1978 when he was Arkansas Attorney General.”

Broaddrick says that Clinton raped her twice in a hotel room in 1978.

In August, Breitbart News broke the story that NBC News quietly scrubbed the word “discredited” from the online version of Mitchell’s report. The NBC online editing occurred in response to a letter from Broaddrick’s attorney, who is also her son, demanding an on air apology for using the word “discredited.”

Neither Mitchell nor the network provided any documentation or evidence to back up the “discredited” claim.

Broaddrick’s accusation has not been discredited. Indeed, NBC itself vetted Broaddrick’s story when she originally broke her silence by speaking to the network’s show Dateline in 1999.

The network also caught up with Norma Rodgers, Broaddrick’s friend and employee, who confirmed Broaddrick’s story of how Rodgers found Broaddrick in her hotel room in the immediate aftermath of the incident with a badly swollen lip and mouth and that Broaddrick’s pantyhose had been ripped off. Broaddrick had stated that Clinton bit her on the lip during the alleged rape, which she said transpired in 1978 at her room in a Little Rock hotel.

In 2016, this reporter conducted a dramatic radio interview with Rodgers, in which she recounted what she says she saw when she found Broaddrick in her hotel room after Clinton’s alleged rape. Rodgers, who shared a hotel room with Broaddrick that night, recalled driving Broaddrick home, describing Broaddrick as being in a state of shock and said she blamed herself for allowing Clinton into her room while icing her swollen lip during the car ride.

NBC’s Lisa Myers, who conducted the 1999 interview with Broaddrick for the network, stated in a 2014 interview that “Nothing has come up since that story was reported that in any way undercuts what Juanita Broaddrick said.” Myers has since retired from the network.

NBC has a history of allegedly minimizing Broaddrick’s serious rape charges against Clinton.

In January 2016, Broaddrick said that NBC’s Mitchell told her by phone that the network would not conduct a new interview with Broaddrick “because you have nothing new to add” since Broaddrick first went public in an NBC interview in 1999.

An NBC News spokesperson confirmed to BuzzFeed in January that the network pursued an interview with the rape accuser but decided against running a story after purportedly establishing that there was nothing new.

“When Juanita Broaddrick went public last week, NBC News sent an associate producer to Arkansas to see if there was anything new in her story. We established there was not, and decided not to pursue it any further,” the spokesperson said at the time.

NBC seems to have overlooked a series of new revelations from Broaddrick, including:

NBC has been accused of other controversial actions in its reporting on the Broaddrick case.

Broaddrick says NBC removed the charge that Hillary Clinton tried to silence her.

When Broaddrick originally broke her silence by speaking to NBC’s Dateline in 1999, Clinton’s rape accuser says she told the network’s reporter, Lisa Myers, on camera that she believed Hillary tried to silence her.

In January, Broaddrick recalled to me that during the pre-taped interview, she began to tell Myers about the personal meeting with Hillary described above in which, Broaddrick believes, the future First Lady strongly implied the alleged rape victim had to stay silent about her traumatic experience.

Broaddrick says that an NBC staffer present for the 1999 filming rushed in front of the camera, interrupted the prerecorded session, and declared that the allegations against Hillary could not be included in the interview.

She charges that NBC went so far as to re-film that portion of the interview, with Myers asking the same question anew and Broaddrick sidestepping the Hillary meeting in the new response.

“We were sitting on my couch,” Broaddrick recalled of the interview. “All the cameras were behind me. She asked some question about whether I was intimidated or threatened by anyone, and I started right in with the meeting with Hillary while we were filming the interview.

“And almost as soon as I started to explain, one of the staffers, I believe he was a producer, came rushing in and said, ‘No, no. We can’t go there.’”

Broaddrick said Myers re-asked the question for the camera and the following exchange, which made the final cut, took place:

Lisa Myers: Did Bill Clinton or anyone near him ever threaten you, try to intimidate you, do anything to keep you silent?

Juanita Broaddrick: No.

Myers: This has been strictly your choice.

Broaddrick: Yes.

Broaddrick, inexperienced in media relations, explained to Breitbart News why she gave an altered answer the second time around.

“I didn’t do interviews before and I’m not a lawyer. I thought from the sound of what the NBC staffer was saying that there was some legal reason why we couldn’t talk about Hillary and that we just couldn’t go there for legal reasons.”

Held Broaddrick interview until after impeachment hearing

After filming the 1999 interview, NBC waited 35 days until finally airing the exclusive. The timeline is critical. The Senate voted to acquit Clinton in the impeachment case on Feb. 12. NBC’s interview, conducted January 20, 1999, did not run until Feb. 24, and the network placed it opposite the highly-rated Grammy Awards.

Some have questioned NBC’s motivation in waiting to air Broaddrick’s charge of rape. “The 35-day interval between tape and air is now one of the legends of the impeachment process. Why didn’t the American public get to hear Mrs. Broaddrick before the Senate voted to acquit Mr. Clinton on Feb. 12?” wrote Philip Weiss in the Observer in 1999.

Speaking in 1999, NBC News vice president Bill Wheatley vehemently denied the network deliberately held the interview until after the Senate vote. He said NBC took the normal period of time for properly vetting stories. “There was no pressure from the White House, period. Nor as some were claiming was there any pressure from NBC or G.E. corporate higher-ups to kill the story,” said Wheatley.

Aaron Klein is Breitbart’s Jerusalem bureau chief and senior investigative reporter. He is a New York Times bestselling author and hosts the popular weekend talk radio program, “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio.” Follow him on Twitter @AaronKleinShow. Follow him on Facebook.