CNN reporter Jim Acosta signed an autograph for a Trump fan at a rally Monday by writing “CNN is real news.”

In a video posted by CNN producer Matt Hoye, Jim Acosta shows off a Trump sign he autographed reading “CNN is real news.” On the other side, a Trump fan had written “CNN is fake news.”

“At last rally of the season for us in Fort Wayne, Indiana got dozens of requests to sign autographs but this one cracked me up. ,” CNN’s Matt Hoye said in a tweet.

Though Acosta seems to be having the time of his life with the rally goers, he has previously said that Trump rallies make him “depressed.”

“If you want to ask me what makes me most depressed about my job, it’s covering the rallies. It gets to the larger point of what it’s like covering the President of the United States, and in particular Donald Trump,” the CNN reporter said at a panel discussion last month.

He also said that watching Trump “whip people up at rally after rally after rally is the most depressing thing I’ve ever seen, as a journalist.”

Luckily, there have been no reports, so far, of Acosta telling anyone “Fuck you” at the rally Monday.