Tuesday on Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson Tonight, network senior political analyst Brit Hume said there is no doubt that former Vice President Joe Biden, the 2020 Democrat frontrunner, is “losing his memory and is getting senile.”

A partial transcript is as follows: 

TUCKER CARLSON: I don’t want to be unfair to Biden, sincerely, I don’t want to pull one clip out of context. But, there have been a number of them recently, where the former vice president explodes in aggression. It’s noticeable. I don’t remember him doing that in years past. What do you think this is?

BRIT HUME: I’ve known him a long time. He can sometimes work himself up into a passion in speeches and so on when he’s arguing about issues in a debate. I don’t remember him exploding at voters, like he did [in Michigan] today and hurling profanity like he did, telling the guy he’s full of spit, expect he didn’t say spit… 

I always liked him on a personal basis, very much. More recently, however, he’s begun to forget things. He didn’t know what state he is in. He couldn’t remember exactly where he was when he met with the Parkland students, when he said it was in the White House and it was long after he had been out of the White House. That sort of thing. Suggesting that he, like so many people his age, is losing his memory and is getting senile. I don’t think there is any doubt about it.

I have traces of this myself. I know what it feels like. Sometimes you get confused and sometimes you can’t remember what you’re supposed to do the next morning. I’m not running for president, and it’s probably a good thing I’m not. And I think that over time, the danger for him and for his party is that he may say something that is so outlandish and so suggestive, that his cognitive faculties have failed him, that the Democratic voters will say, “Oh, my lord, what do we got here?”

At the moment, they are so eager to deny Bernie Sanders the nomination and to press forward with someone more familiar that I think this step is lost on Democratic voters. But over time, under the pressures of a campaign, who knows what will happen.