Appearing Wednesday on the Fox News Channel, ABC News Chief White House Correspondent Jon Karl said there is “no question” that former Vice President Joe Biden, the presumptive Democrat presidential nominee, will have to address allegations of sexual assault from his former Senate staffer Tara Reade.

A partial transcript is as follows:

ED HENRY: Some of our viewers are going to say, “Justice Kavanaugh was treated horribly by the media.” Joe Biden, they think, is getting very light treatment and they see you and some of your colleagues in that briefing room and they say, “You’re just saying ‘gotcha.'” Here’s your fair chance to respond.

JON KARL: ABC News is about to post a story on the allegations against Joe Biden. When I go into that briefing room, I’m not asking questions of Joe Biden. If I was, it would be a different set of questions than when I’m asking questions of Donald Trump. There’s no question that these allegations against Vice President Biden are going to have to be answered for. He’s going to have to answer these questions and I think you’re seeing the story as more evidence has come forward, it’s being covered. In fact, I think it’s on the front page of the Washington Post today.