CNN political reporter Chris Cillizza believes the omicron variant has ushered in a new era of the coronavirus pandemic, relegating the “stigma” of infection to a thing of the past.

Despite his own network pushing coronavirus fear porn since the pandemic began, advocating mask mandates and lockdowns while denouncing the unvaccinated, Cillizza used a lengthy Twitter thread on Tuesday to observe the ease with which omicron infects people might make society less judgmental.

“For months and months, no one I came into contact with admitted they had Covid. Not neighbors. Not co-workers. Not friends. Not acquaintances. No one,” he said.

“Except that, with omicron surging and lots and lots of people now getting it, I’ve found some of these same people telling me they had it last fall or at the start of the pandemic or whenever,” he continued. “Which is fascinating to me. Because it suggests that they were embarrassed or scared to say they (or their family) had it before.”

According to Cillizza, whose network featured Don Lemon telling people to “shun” the unvaccinated, society appears to have moved on from judging the infected as irresponsible people.

“Some of the stigma of getting Covid has worn off, and made people more comfortable acknowledging that they’ve had it before,” he concluded.  “Which is a good thing! We need to recognize that getting Covid isn’t a moral failing!”

In many ways, Cillizza’s comments echo that of MSNBC commentator Chris Hayes, who said recently the omicron variant could mean society will learn to cope with the coronavirus like the flu.

“We don’t orient our lives around the flu,” he said. “That’s closer to the level of risk that 200 million Americans, or less than that, are now dealing with. And then when you add in the sheer exhaustion many people feel, and I don’t have to tell you this I’m sure because you’re feeling this yourself.”