Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley blasted a Newsweek reporter over a comment request regarding a dress she wore to her daughter’s wedding.

Haley tweeted a screenshot of Newsweek reporter Gerrard Kaonga’s comment request to her campaign in which he wrote, “Some have argued Haley should not have worn her dress as it is too close to the bride’s white. Does Nikki Haley have any comment regarding this?”

“Did she and her daughter discuss and decide on the dresses they would be wearing ahead of the ceremony?” he also asked.

Haley — the former governor of South Carolina and ambassador to the United Nations during the Trump administration — did not provide Kaonga with a comment, according to his article. But in her tweet revealing the request, she wrote, “This is why people don’t trust the media.”

“Liberal ‘journalists’ spend their time harassing conservatives about outfit choices. Grow up, @Newsweek,” she added. “P.S. The dress was gold.”

A photo the candidate posted from the wedding day shows her family happily celebrating the marriage of her daughter Rena and her son-in-law Josh.

“We had the sweetest weekend celebrating Rena and Josh,” she wrote in the post. “Thankful for our sweet family and friends who joined us in supporting and celebrating them. Rena and Josh, we could not be more proud of both of you!”

Kaonga — who Newsweek notes covers “U.S. news, politics, world news, local news and viral videos” — cited four tweets from those criticizing Haley’s dress choice and three tweets from those complimenting either the Haley family or the former governor’s dress as evidence of a “Fierce Debate.”

“This right here says all you need to know about Nikki Haley and her priorities… she wore an off white wedding dress to her daughter’s wedding!” one user wrote in criticism.

“Beautiful and your dress is an amazing mother of the bride dress!” wrote another.