Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) slammed Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) “Medicare for All” plan as a “bad idea” during the third Democrat debate in Houston, Texas, Thursday night.

“While Bernie wrote the bill, I read the bill,” the Minnesota Democrat said. “And on page eight of the bill it says we will no longer have private insurance as we know it. And that means 149 million Americans will no longer be able to have their current insurance.”

“I don’t think that’s a bold idea. I think that’s a bad idea,” she continued.

Klobuchar then defended the idea of having “a public option” in a marketplace similar to what former President Barack Obama had envisioned.

“A public option,” she said, “a nonprofit choice.”

Klobuchar specifically responded to Sanders’ claim during the debate that his Medicare for All plan was the most cost-effective.

“Every study shows that Medicare for All is the most cost-effective approach to providing health care for every man, woman, and child in this country,” Sanders added. “I wrote the damn bill if I may say so.”