Former Vice President Joe Biden is the projected winner of the Virginia Democratic presidential primary.

Biden, who days prior to the primary was endorsed by former Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe and Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA), was declared the winner by a number of media outlets shortly after polls closed in the commonwealth.

Even though the results have yet to be finalized, the former vice president is expected to take a large portion of Virginia’s 99 delegates. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who by many is considered to the be frontrunner for the Democrat nomination, appears to have come in second place, although it remains unclear if he will meet the 15 percent threshold required to receive pledged delegates.

Biden’s victory in the commonwealth was not unexpected. Since scoring a resounding victory in the South Carolina primary last week, the former vice president has picked up a number of high-profile endorsements from the state. Among those offering their support from Biden were not only McAullife and Kaine, but also long serving Rep. Bobby Scott (D-VA)—a power broker within Virginia’s black community.

The former vice president also received help in carrying the state by a cadre of NeverTrump Republicans, who because of Virginia’s open primary system were able to cast votes in the Democrat nominating contest. Most notably, former Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) director James Comey, conservative writer Matt Lewis, and former Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol announced their support for Biden on Tuesday.

In Comey’s case, however, the support seems to have been rejected. Shortly after the former FBI head announced his support, Biden’s rapid response director took to social media to make light of the situation, questioning if he could “return” the endorsement, much like one would a package.