Former Vice President Joe Biden predicted an “epiphany” among Republicans if President Donald Trump is defeated in November. He made his forecast while speaking with donors, according to a report from Bloomberg News’s Jennifer Epstein on Friday.

Biden said:

With Donald Trump gone, the fear of retribution has been taken away. If we win as big as we possibly can, there’s going to be a great, great epiphany that’s going to take place, as we Catholics say. And there’re going to begin to wonder about whether or not if they take me on and lose by just being obstructionist, whether they’re going to lose the rest of that blue-collar vote out there in the nation. It’s going to be a different time. Doesn’t mean it’s going to be, as they used to say when I was a kid, kumbaya and everyone’s happy, but it will — they know things have to be done and I think we can get a lot done.

Biden cited an opinion editorial written by New York Times columnist David Brooks, titled “President Biden’s First Day,” in which he is described as having “working-class” sensibilities and “a background that Trumpian conservatives celebrate.”

“Joe Biden may turn out to be what radical centrism looks like,” declares Brooks.

According to NBC News’s Sahil Kapur, Biden stopped predicting a “post-Trump GOP epiphany” in November 2019 until recently.

Kapur reported that “progressive activists” were displeased with Biden’s forecasts of a Republican “epiphany,” viewing the claim as a signal of possible bipartisan openness in the event of a Biden administration.

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