Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner (D) is warning those who might try to act as uncertified poll watchers in Pennsylvania during the election, according to the Hill.

“I’ve got a jail cell, and I’ve got criminal charges and you can stand in front of a Philadelphia jury — which, by the way, is a diverse jury — and you can explain why you thought it was OK to come to Philly and steal our votes,” Krasner said Friday.

The city is the “birthplace of democracy” Krasner noted. “We’re not doing this.”

“Wannabe fascists stay home, and if your idea of how to have a democratic election is to steal it, then I’ve got something for you,” he continued.

The warning comes as Democrats worry about possible voter intimidation after the Trump campaign reportedly called for thousands of poll watchers to go into cities across the nation, the Hill article read.

“President Trump has previously called on his supporters to ‘go into polls’ to monitor for election fraud, which Democrats claim will lead to voter intimidation,” the report said.

Trump voiced suspicions on October 23 regarding Democrat voting tactics in Philadelphia and urged supporters to watch out for signs of fraud, according to Breitbart News.

“You got to be very careful in Philadelphia. They play games in Philadelphia, and they won’t let us watch the count in Philadelphia,” he said.

The president also referred to previous elections in the city when “Republicans got either very few or no votes at all,” the Breitbart News report continued.

In early October, leftists recruited more than 600,000 “healthy, low-risk and diverse poll workers” to “ensure a safe, fair election,” according to Breitbart News:

Under the title Power the Polls, the initiative has the support of countless left-wing influentials helping promote the effort and is partnered with numerous far-left groups such as the Democracy Initiative, a coalition of 75 activist organizations including Soros-funded groups Demos, MoveOn, the Center for Popular Democracy (CPD), Common Cause, and more, which seeks a range of progressive goals that demand “reforming” democracy.

Krasner said Friday that officials had “never really had to be concerned that a bunch of knuckleheads were going to show up to the polls with guns. If they do it this time, they’re going to have a problem.”