Postal workers discovered more than 1,000 ballots Thursday in Philadelphia facilities and another 300 in Pittsburgh, according to Politico.

The United States Postal Service (USPS) is rushing to deliver the uncounted votes to election officials before the deadline on Friday, the outlet said.

“The Postal Service has been ordered by U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan to report on the results of twice-daily sweeps for election mail, with a particular emphasis on states that are still accepting ballots postmarked by Election Day,” the report continued:

Though North Carolina has long allowed for late-arriving ballots to be counted, as long as they’re postmarked by Election Day, Pennsylvania’s are still a source of dispute. The state Supreme Court ruled that Pennsylvania can accept ballots through Friday afternoon — a three-day grace period — but conservative justices on the U.S. Supreme Court have indicated they may wish to overturn that decision since it wasn’t sanctioned by Pennsylvania’s legislature. North Carolina has long allowed an extra three days to receive postmarked ballots but extended the deadline this year to Nov. 12.

The ballots in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Charlotte were part of the 2,000-plus found in postal facilities across the two states and sent to election officials, the Politico article said.

In addition, President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden (D) are still battling over Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada, according to Breitbart News’s live updates on Friday morning.

In a statement Thursday, the House Freedom Caucus urged election officials to “count every legal vote,” Breitbart News reported.

“The integrity of our elections is in grave jeopardy. Never before have vote counting officials shut down centers for no other reason than that the sitting president was winning,” the statement read:

President [Donald] Trump is working tirelessly to fight the massive levels of Democratic fraud and corruption which have now all but engulfed our once-sacred election process. May God continue to shed his grace on our wonderful nation, and may truth, decency, and democracy prevail in this time of widespread deceit. Count every legal vote.

During a White House press briefing on Thursday, the president said, “Democrat officials never believed they could win this election honestly.”

“I really believe that that’s why they did the mail-in ballots, where there is tremendous corruption and fraud going on,” he noted.

Trump added that if all legal votes are counted, he “easily” wins the election.

“If you count the illegal votes, they can try to steal the election from us,” he explained.