Time Magazine revealed its commemorative cover featuring former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) in a Saturday tweet.

“President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris usher in a new era,” the post read:

The tweet linked to an article by Charlotte Alter titled “How Joe Biden Won the White House.”

Alter wrote “The only thing more powerful than a dragon is a dragon slayer. For four years, [President] Donald Trump’s penchant for division and chaos was the dominant force in American life.”

“In the end, after a long and excruciating battle, it was vanquished by Joe Biden’s promise of decency, unity and national healing,” she continued.

Although corporate media outlets called the presidential election for Biden over the weekend, Trump questioned their decision on Twitter:

At a press conference in Philadelphia on Saturday, Rudy Giuliani said Trump was “not going to concede when at least 600,000 ballots are in question,” according to Breitbart News.

“It’s not my job to determine if the ballots are right or not; it’s their job. With a mail-in ballot or an absentee ballot, the burden, under law, is on the Party that’s proposing it, which is why it has to be inspected,” he continued.

During an interview Sunday on ABC’s This Week, Gov. Kristi Noem (R-SD) recalled that in 2000 “We gave Al Gore 37 days to run the process before we decided who was going to be president.”

“Why would we not afford the 70.6 million Americans that voted for President Trump the same consideration?” she continued, adding that “If Joe Biden really wants to unify this country, he would wait and make sure that we can prove we had a fair election.”

On Fox News Channel’s Sunday Morning Futures, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) urged the president not to concede the election and told his Republican colleagues “we have to fight back, or we will accept our fate.”

“Trump has not lost. Do not concede, Mr. President, fight hard,” he concluded.