In the last 14 hours, BuzzFeed Politics has posted 14 articles and in that time those 14 articles have received a TOTAL of 144 comments.

That’s almost impossible to believe.

Granted, some of those articles were posted within the last hour or so, but still…

So what’s the problem?

Well, what we have here is a mainstream media outlet disguising itself as edgy New Media. Whereas as MSNBC is the fever swamp-wing of the Democratic Party, BuzzFeed has assumed the role of the trollish wing of the Democratic Party — with articles about Romney’s tan and the non-stop pushing of Narratives like the one surrounding Richard Mourdack’s comments about rape and abortion. But BuzzFeed’s agenda is apparently so smallish, mercenary, and trollish that no one seems ready (except for Ben Smith’s media pals) to rally ’round and call it home.

For a site that’s been around for months and has such a high-profile, I’m not sure there’s any other explanation for why the the all-important community is so still-born. The left-wing BenSmithing immediately marginalized and made enemies of conservatives, but it looks as though that even those leftists who profit from the site don’t seem to want to have much to do with it.

To be fair, though, politics might not have anything to do with it. Objectively, it’s just not a very appealing site.