One of the more memorable “gulp” moments for Republicans in ’04 was the Friday before Election Day when John Kerry and Bruce Springsteen brought together a massive crowd of  70,000 to 80,000 in the liberal stronghold of Madison, Wisconsin.

Today, in a last minute push to get the vote out, the combined power of Barack and the Boss drew only 18,000.

Democrats are already worried about the early vote counts in Wisconsin. The fact that Obama is now depressing turnout for free Bruce Springsteen concerts should worry them even more.  On his own, Springsteen can attract 84,000 paying customers just a few hours away in Chicago.

ADDED: Welcome Drudge readers. This post is part of the Breitbart News Live-Blog covering election news the mainstream media won’t. This includes almost everything that undermines The Narrative that says Obama will win this: polling internals, crowd sizes, early vote counts… Click here for the latest.

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