This entry of “BenSmithing” into the official Urban Dictionary has been up since August 12.

But do I get a card from Ben Smith? A call? A thanks?

Nope. Nothing.

No good deed, right?

I have no idea who took the time to enter this into the Urban Dictionary, but whoever it was got it exactly right:


(v) A political tactic that disguises itself as journalism in order to protect Democrats, most specifically Barack Obama.

1. Something happens or is discovered that might hurt Obama.

2. That something is discovered in the alternative media and uncovered.

3. Ben Smith (or the equally dishonest PolitiFact and Media Matters) pretend to investigate it, write something up disguised as “definitive,” and then hand the complicit media an excuse to ignore it.

The BenSmithing of the Obama-Bill Ayers connection deprived the American people of learning the truth.

Dude, did you see how the Eric Holder/Black Panther story got BenSmithed at Politico?

And here’s “BenSmithing: The Movie”: