Couldn’t this Washington Post reporter, you know, call someone in the Washington Post to confirm or deny?

Anyway, if this proves true, it’s wonderful news:

The Washington Post will probably start charging online readers for access to newspaper articles in the middle of next year, a person familiar with the plans said.

Long reluctant to charge for online content, the newspaper is close to a decision to introduce digital subscriptions and charge online readers once they surpass a certain number of articles or multimedia features a month, the person said. Access to the home page and section fronts would not be limited.

These dishonest mainstream media outlets are all starting to find themselves between a rock and hard place. Like The New York Times and The L.A. Times, the Post is a money loser. One solution, they believe, is to install a paywall that forces people to pay for online content. The result, though, is that fewer people read their content, which in turn means the Post will have less of an impact. And here’s the rub…

“Impact” is all these dishonest news outlets care about. They want to affect The Narrative and push our politics left. That’s the primary goal. But it’s this very agenda that’s killing these outlets. If the Post was a better and more vital newspaper, as opposed to a left-wing pipe organ, it would almost certainly have more customers.

So it’s a beautiful thing when the fevered desire to push an agenda meets the reality of how that fevered desire affects the bottom line, and the outcome is losing your ability to push that agenda because of a paywall.

It’s also a wonderful thing to know that we will now be saving money not reading the Washington Post.
