BuzzFeed Politics puts a ton of effort into using its content and contributors’ Twitter accounts to suck up to the left-wing media, especially MSNBC, in the hopes of getting links and television appearances. And there’s no question that’s worked. The anti-gay site is now a part of the media’s ongoing Obama defense line-up. But the site’s lack of community is stubbornly and laughably barren.

Chris Matthews and Martin Bashir might love the talking points supplied by these guys, but nobody else seems to.

Over the past 24 hours, Ben Smith’s merry band of BenSmithers have posted a total of 18 posts — which as of now have received only a TOTAL of 64 comments.

Oh the reality the media weaves in order to deceive about what is and is not hot.

Q: What’s the difference between BuzzFeed Politics and Bigfoot?

A: More people comment on Bigfoot.