True to form, Politico and MSNBC once again became one just a few minutes ago.

Here’s Politico’s national political reporter, James Hohmann, explaining Sen. Rand Paul’s filibuster motivations on MSNBC:

Rand Paul’s concern is his own base of support. He has his eyes on a 2016 campaign. This isn’t really the Republicans, he knows Brennan is going to get confirmed. He’s trying to shore up the people who supported his father, Ron Paul, even as he tries to make inroads with national security conservatives and others in the Republican coalition to improve his own political prospects.

After being asked about Cruz, Hohmann goes right back to ripping Paul before finally acknowledging this might actually be about something important.

The goal here is to throw red meat to the base; to show they put up a good fight. Rand Paul knows that John Brennan is going to be the CIA Director. He also hopes to draw attention to the issue because he wants a clear definitive answer from the Justice Department that they will never use a drone against an American citizen on American soil.

Your unbiased media at work, folks.