As much as those of us in the grassroots loved the idea of one of our own making a run at Lindsey Graham, part of me is relieved that Bruce Carroll (aka GayPatriot) has decided against it. Though I’ve only known Bruce personally for a couple years, I have been a GayPatriot reader since 2004 and am therefore well aware of what Bruce has been put through at the hands of what he describes as the “Gay Left.”

In his blog post announcing the decision, Bruce describes the worst of the harassment;  but again as a longtime reader, I can tell you this is the tip of the iceberg. The demeaning harassment is practically a daily affair. It is impossible to imagine what Bruce and his partner John would’ve gone through in a high-profile senate run.

Bruce closes his post this way:

When all is said and done, all I have in my life is my privacy, integrity, family and property.  I am just not strong enough of a person to put all that on the line for a high-risk gamble against a sitting United States Senator.

I hold out hope that someone else in my state is braver than I am.

I know I speak for many when I say that when it comes to “bravery” and “high-risk gambles” that Bruce and John have already been braver and risked more than any of us ever will.

Be sure to head over to Ace’s place where Bruce broke the news in an exclusive interview with DrewM.

And bookmark GayPatriot.