Yesterday, the sequester-afflicted DHS ordered a large supply of musical equipment including bagpipes, drums and music writing software as well as the many small parts that go into the caring of bagpipes.

Via Townhall:

I guess Napolitano didn’t get the memo. We are supposed to be saving money here! How exactly are we “securing the homeland” with bagpipes and drums? The problem here is, that Democrats keep saying that the sequester cuts were too much and that we weren’t going to be able to continue life as we know it without this money.

This is the same DHS that told Congress in Feb., that due to the sequester,  the department would have to the cut the hours of 5,000 Border Patrol agents and 2,750 Customs and Border Protection officers. 

It was estimated that the cutbacks would make the border become about  25% less secure. 

Agents will no longer work a full ten hour shift. Thereby leaving the border unattended, naked, for up to two hours at a time during each shift change and perhaps up to eight hours a day in some areas.” 

It also comes at a time in which – again – due to the sequester,  DHS saw fit to release thousands of illegal immigrants in detention and awaiting deportation into the general population. 

On Fox News’  Justice with Judge Jeanine, last month, Pinal County Sheriff, Paul Babeu noted that among those released were criminals who had been convicted for weapons violations, drug smuggling,  drug dealing, and aggravated assaults against police officers. 

“How in the world can you say these are low risk, non criminal detainees?!” He exclaimed.  “These are the worst of the worst. These are people who have been convicted of child molestation!” He said he had been told by ICE agents that there were people who had been released who had been  charged with manslaughter.

It’s almost like DHS is failing in its mission protect American citizens.  Perhaps they even plan to use the bagpipes to entertain the illegal immigrants as they cross the border.

I guess we shouldn’t complain. At least they’re not ordering a billion more hollow point bullets. 


The bagpipe order that was placed yesterday has  been cancelled.