“Today, we face incredibly well-funded gangs of fundamentalist Christian monsters who terrorize their fellow Americans by forcing their weaponized and twisted version of Christianity upon their helpless subordinates in our nation’s armed forces.”

Oh, you thought I meant Islamic fundamentalist monsters? Oh no. Nope.

Who do you think said that? I’ll give you 3 guesses.

1. Dan Savage

2. Louis Farrakhan

3. Mikey Weinstein, Obama’s new consultant to the Pentagon, tapped to develop new policies on religious tolerance.

If you picked #3 ding-ding-ding! You are correct!

Even most hardened Islamists don’t take such a dim view of Christianity – “fundamentalist” or otherwise. Likewise, most hardened leftists don’t take such a dim view of Islamic fundamentalists.

Ken Klukowski has the story at Big Government.

Those words were recently written by Mikey Weinstein, founder of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF), in a column he wrote for the Huffington Post. Weinstein will be a consultant to the Pentagon to develop new policies on religious tolerance, including a policy for court-martialing military chaplains who share the Christian Gospel during spiritual counseling of American troops.

Weinstein decries what he calls the “virulent religious oppression” perpetrated by conservative Christians, whom he refers to as “monstrosities” and “pitiable unconstitutional carpetbaggers,” comparing them to “bigots” in the Deep South during the civil rights era.

He cites Dr. James Dobson–the famous Christian founder of Focus on the Family–as “illustrating the extremist, militant nature of these virulently homophobic organizations’ rhetorically-charged propaganda.” Regarding those who teach orthodox Christian beliefs from the Bible, Weinstein concludes, “Let’s call these ignoble actions what they are: the senseless and cowardly squallings of human monsters.”

It all makes sense now —

The US Army blocks the Southern Baptist Convention website because of its “hostile content”

– Shock: Army Instructor Labels Catholics, Evangelicals, Mormons And Jews ‘Religious Extremists’

– Army Email Labels Christian Ministries as ‘Domestic Hate Groups’ 

I know you’ll be shocked to hear that Weinstein endorses the ultra-left Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), who publishes a list of “hate groups.” 

Alongside truly deplorable organizations like the KKK, the SPLC’s list includes a host of traditional Christian organizations (for their support of traditional marriage) and Tea Party organizations (for supporting limited government). Weinstein says SPLC correctly labels them all as “hate groups.” 

Floyd Lee Corkins–the first person ever convicted of domestic terrorism in federal court under the laws of Washington, D.C.–told the FBI that he chose his intended shooting spree targets from the SPLC website’s map. Corkins was arrested at the offices of the Family Research Council (FRC) after shooting a security guard in August 2012. His court documents state that Corkins intended to kill as many people as possible.

Weinstein also supports Lt. Col. Jack Rich, the Army officer who wrote to subordinate officers that soldiers who hold traditional Christian beliefs agreeing with organizations on SPLC’s “hate group” list are incompatible with “Army values” and should be carefully watched and excluded from military service.

According to Weinstein, “We should as a nation effusively applaud Lt. Col. Rich.” He adds that the nation should “venture further” than Rich’s recommendations, saying, “We MUST vigorously support the continuing efforts to expose pathologically anti-gay, Islamaphobic, and rabidly intolerant agitators for what they are: die-hard enemies of the United States Constitution. Monsters, one and all. To do anything less would be to roll out a red carpet to those who would usher in a blood-drenched, draconian era of persecutions, nationalistic militarism, and superstitious theocracy.”

My God….this is the man the Obama administration chose to develop policies for how to deal with Christians in the military? 

Rep. Randy Forbes, R-Va., told Fox News,  that soldiers have been seeing a steady attack on faith and religious freedom in the military. “We are getting a lot of calls from soldiers saying, ‘We’re afraid of going to church. We’re afraid to be seen praying. We’re afraid that would hurt our careers, our promotions.'”

Forbes questioned Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel about the religious liberty issue during a recent House Armed Services Committee meeting.

A couple of weeks ago, at least a dozen members of Congress signed a letter demanding the Secretary of the Army rescind and apologize for the absurd briefing that labeled Evangelical Christians, Orthodox Jews, Mormons and Catholics as religious extremist groups alongside Hamas, al Qaeda and the KKK.

Fox News obtained a draft of the letter:

“This is astonishing and offensive,” read a draft of the letter written by Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-CO). “We call on you to rescind this briefing and apologize for its content and set the record straight on the Army’s view on these faith groups by providing a balanced briefing on religious extremism.”

It would be nice if other news organizations besides Fox were covering these stories. 

But as Klukowski noted, the little coverage the story has gotten has actually endorsed Weinstein’s outrageous idea that sharing the gospel with someone is tantamount to rape.