At the House Ways and Means Committee hearing, this morning, Republicans struggled in vain to get former IRS Commissioner Steven Miller to condemn any of the egregious activities of his agency. And he wouldn’t agree that they were “targeting” any groups even though the IG report repeatedly referred to the targeting of groups.

When asked if he took any notes about these matters, he said he couldn’t remember.

Rep Roskam caught Miller in a bit of a slip up when he answered one question by saying that he would have to check his notes. “Why do you need to check your notes if you’re not sure you have notes?” Roskam demanded.

Miller answered, “Please!”

Life News reported yesterday that the IRS subjected one pro-life group to “repeated and lengthy unconstitutional requests for information about the viewpoint and content of its educational communications, volunteer prayer vigils, and other protected activities.”

One of the more shocking revelations to come out of today’s hearing came from Republican Rep. Aaron Schock, who asked Miller if the IRS had indeed asked a pro-life group to include the content of their prayers.

Via Twitchy: 

In what universe would a demand to see the content of a religious group’s prayers be a legitimate one?