In response to Backlash Grows Against Eric Holder’s Media Meetings:

Holder set up the off the record meetings with members of the media for Thursday and Friday, with Fox News invited to the Friday media session.

According to a report posted on Fox News, this morning, they haven’t yet decided whether or not they’ll attend that Friday session.

The Hill is reporting, however, that “a person familiar with the company’s internal debate” told them yesterday that they would be attending.

I can kinda see why they would want to be there, after being targeted and spied on by this administration, but I think a show of unity with the MSM is called for here. Fox News should stand with CNN, McClatchy, the Associated Press, New York Times, and Huffington Post and reject Holder’s transparent and self serving attempts at damage control.


Fox News says no-siree-Bob

Bret Baier announced the decision on Twitter: