The media are entirely too enamored of a local crime story in  Florida to report on this, or a second IRS official taking the fifth, or the IRS abusing taxpayer money and taxpayers.

But for those of you more interested in the federal government’s abuse of its power and its citizens than the Zimmerman trial, here is some unimportant news:

Washington Examiner:

Refuting Democratic suggestions that progressive groups were also swept up in the IRS probe of the tax status of Tea Party organizations, the Treasury Department’s inspector general has revealed that just six progressive groups were targeted compared to 292 conservative groups.

In a letter to congressional Democrats, the inspector general also said that 100 percent of Tea Party groups seeking special tax status were put under IRS review, while only 30 percent of the progressive groups felt the same pressure.

The Wednesday letter to the top Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee punched a huge hole in Democratic claims that progressive groups were targeted as much as the Tea Party groups from May 2010-May 2012, the height of the Tea Party movement.